WinMerge can be used on a computer running Windows 11 or Windows 10. What version of Windows can WinMerge run on? The source code for WinMerge should be freely available and modifications are certainly permitted as well as the option to inspect the software. The license provides the options to freely download, install, run and share this program without any restrictions.

WinMerge is available for free and released under the open source GPLv2 license on Windows from file organizer software. Visualize: Side-by-side display of differences with color-coding.Unicode: Support for files with Unicode characters.Synchronize: Automatically scroll both files to the same change.Reports: Generate HTML or UNIX diff reports for sharing.Regular expressions: Search and replace using regular expressions.Plugins: Expand functionality with third-party plugins.Navigate: View differences in context and jump between changes.Merge: Combine changes from two sources into a single output.Hex: View and compare files in hexadecimal format.Filter: Ignore certain differences such as whitespace.Edit: Ability to edit files directly in WinMerge.Diff: Compare two files or folders and detect differences.Auto-merge: Automatically resolve conflicts with one click.Archive: Compare and merge contents of zip, 7z and tar archives.Its various features and options make it a perfect tool for many different sets of users from photographers to programmers alike. Overall, the user interface of WinMerge is well done and user-friendly. Customization of WinMerge can be accomplished easily users may change colors and other visual elements. The program has many useful features and supports different operations such as rename, move, copy, archive (as zip files) and deletion. This can be useful for photographers who have collections of photos across hard drives. Unlike several other tools which specialize in just comparing sets of files, WinMerge can also deal with directories and merge the contents of them. Its utility is useful not just for programmers but also for writers. WinMerge is a free and open source tool for comparing files and folders and then merging the contents of them. Application to compare files and folders to find differences, code changes, updates and duplicate content.